How did I go from injured, broken and depressed to such a long career of success?

Check out the video below for my story.

“My dreams were shattered by pain & injury. But A new dream emerged! now I can help people the way i wish someone helped me.” —DCLIFF

the Pillars of DCliff Training:

We cannot outrun our biology with pills and technological gadgets (bandaids)

  • We have become depressed/unhealthy; terrible movers

  • We were perfectly designed to survive and thrive.

Everything is holistic → our body/performance is a big equation

  • Variables are nutrition, sleep, steps/movement patterns, stress, light exposure and more

Process is more psychological than anything else

  • Most dangerous enemy is the unknown unknown

  • Pain is psychological.

Movement = alignment x integration x timing

  • Injury = misalignment x compensation (overused, underused muscles/patterns)

The Shape is more important than the exercise; what you do is not as important as how you do it.

  • Treat every exercise as a meditation. Treat every rep like a new rep. Every breath as a chance to improve your life, energy and vitality.

GAIT Mechanics are top priority when it comes to training. 

  • We did not evolve to squat heavy weight, we evolved to sprint, throw and fight.

  • If you keep adding weight in unnatural movements, not only will you get slower, you are also training your body to move against its design.