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We all start somewhere.

Reach out and I got you!

Process: The DCLIFF Rehab Method

  • Phase 1: Fluid Regulation

    The stuff that makes you feel good! Not just the basic foam rolling and stretching that you may be used to, but proven methods and myofascial release techniques that have long lasting effects.

    Phase 2: Postural Reconstruction

    Reset your hips, core, diaphragm and more! Most pain and injuries come from misalignment - what happens when you don’t stack your hips, rib cage, shoulders and head!

    Phase 3: Movement (re)-Calibration

    Deep Dive into the timing and biomechanics that govern our movement! Retrain your mind and body how to move using fascial lines of tension, your oblique-sling-system and more levers that make you more athletic, pain free!!

  • The best of both worlds!

    Get a personalized program - from an expert - without having to schedule and drive out of your way.

    Same expertise. Same instruction. Sent to your phone so that you can go to the gym on your own time without someone breathing down your neck!

    Oh yeah, also available ALL THE TIME. I don’t clock out. HMU anytime.

  • Movement is More important than weights.

    We all know that guy who is constantly bragging about his new squat PR but cannot move to save his life. I was that guy. And it hurt. A lot.

    With a movement-based approach, we can now get stronger, faster, and more athletic without the ups and downs of pain and soreness.

  • arm yourself with the tools!

    Holistic health is everything! And we aim to address all of these tools. Not to overwhelm, but to build a resiliency to stress (life!).

    We do not want to be governed by health, but to use health to have a better life!